Student Organizations - Arts/Entertainment, Get Involved
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Rolando Castillo, Abby Norejko, Email group officers
Mission The Horror Club's goal is to form a community of horror fans here on campus!! We want to have a setting where we can watch films together as a group and discuss some of our favorite scary movies. we also will be holding horror game nights for anyone interested in findng groups to play together! We want to connect horror fans here on campus and become your "horror safe haven."And in the words of James A. Janisse: "Be good people"
Membership BenefitsPromote your personal projects and artwork! Learn to discuss films in a group and analyze them and what they mean. Watch movies without having to have money come out of your personal pocket. Make friends and have a safe space to talk about your favorite scary movies with other horror fans!!
Lifetime membership