First Gen Tigers

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Providing a community of like-minded peers will allow students to feel a sense of belonging on campus and provide resources to help navigate their college experience.









Members Benefits

1. **Community and Belonging:** First Gen Tigers provide a sense of belonging and community. You'll connect with other students who share similar experiences, challenges, and aspirations, which can reduce feelings of isolation. 2. **Peer Support:** You'll have access to a network of peers who can provide guidance, advice, and emotional support. They can help you navigate the unique challenges of being a first-generation student. 4. **Resource Sharing:** These organizations often share information on scholarships, financial aid, academic resources, and other services that can benefit first-generation students. 5. **Academic Support:** Some groups offer study sessions, workshops, and tutoring to help members excel academically. 6. **Professional Development:** First-generation organizations may provide resources and opportunities for career development and job placement. They can help you explore career options and connect with alumni who were also first-generation students. 7. **Advocacy:** Some first-gen organizations engage in advocacy and awareness campaigns to address the unique challenges faced by first-generation students, raising awareness among faculty and administrators. 8. **Cultural and Social Events:** These groups often host cultural, social, and educational events, which can be both fun and enriching. These events can help you celebrate your identity and learn more about the first-generation experience. 9. **Leadership Opportunities:** Joining a first-generation organization can provide opportunities to take on leadership roles, helping you build valuable leadership skills and experience. 10. **Personal Growth:** The sense of accomplishment that comes from overcoming the challenges of being a first-generation student and the skills you develop in navigating the college environment can contribute to your personal growth. 11. **Networking:** You'll have the chance to network with peers, alumni, and professionals who have an understanding of your background and can provide valuable connections and advice. 12. **Emotional Support:** College can be stressful, and it helps to have a group of people who understand your unique experiences and can offer emotional support during tough times. 13. **Identity and Empowerment:** Being part of a first-gen organization can help you embrace your identity and empower you to be proud of your achievements as a first-generation college student. Overall, joining a first-generation organization can significantly enhance your college experience, providing both practical support and a sense of community. It can help you thrive academically, socially, and personally while navigating the challenges of being a first-generation student.

Events & Activities

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Jacob Phillips Profile

Jacob Phillips

Financial Contact (Treasurer)
Emily Goetting Profile

Emily Goetting

Communications Director
Emma McPherson Profile

Emma McPherson

Main Contact (President)


First Gen Tigers

University of Missouri
Columbia Missouri
United States