Mizzou Women in Meteorology

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

The organization, Mizzou Women in Meteorology, was established to empower women throughout the University of Missouri (Mizzou) that which are pursuing Meteorology degrees and/or women in general that are interested in meteorological aspects. Understanding that this is a complex and underserved segment of the university that faces unique challenges, this organization was formed to reach out to and meet the needs of this cohesive and unique group of people. This organization will provide a safe space for collaboration and dialogue regarding numerous issues relevant to women in meteorology and/or in the meteorological field. This organization will not discriminate against degrees of meteorology being pursued – whether broadcast, operational, or professional meteorology – all women, women-identifying, and non-binary people in meteorology and/or interested in meteorology will be welcomed. The organization will also provide an activist outlet where the constituents of the organization can reach out to the larger University of Missouri (Mizzou) community and communicate their opinions and ideas about legal and larger societal issues in a respectful and organized manner related but not limited to women in meteorology.









Members Benefits

Members will have the opportunity to strengthen bonds between other meteorologists by participating in social, intellectual, and cultural activities. They will have the chance to grow their professional networks by attending meetings with guest speakers who are experts in their field. We will also provide a safe environment for women to openly express opinions and/or concerns.

Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Exclusive Resources

Get our newsletter and stay in the loop.


Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Maggie Huebner Profile

Maggie Huebner

Financial Contact (Treasurer)
Darah Crawford Profile

Darah Crawford

Main Contact (President)
Qian Liu Profile

Qian Liu

Faculty/Staff Advisor
Maggie Slutter Profile

Maggie Slutter

Secondary Contact (Vice President)
Hannah Wyrick Profile

Hannah Wyrick

Social Media Chair
Rachel Nightingale Profile

Rachel Nightingale



Mizzou Women in Meteorology

University of Missouri
Columbia Missouri
United States