Well-Being Peers Presentation Descriptions

  • Alcohol Use

    In partnership with MUPD, the Well-Being Peers help students identify maintainable harm reduction strategies related to alcohol use. Presentation includes a pouring exercise to help participants gauge the size of a "standard drink", discusses blood alcohol level/content, and allows students to reflect on their own practices.

    MUPD assists in discussion specifically overviewing the Good Samaritan Law and overall policies at the institution regarding alcohol.

  • Maintaining Sexual Health

    Well-Being Peers help empower students in their sexual health decisions and provides brief insight into consent, sexually transmitted infections, sexual health products, and where to access important resources on and off campus. Presentation includes demonstration of external condom placement, and interactive "Name That Sexual Health Product" matching exercise.

    Well-Being Peers presentations do not go into depth regarding sexually transmitted infection symptoms, nor answer other specific personal health related questions. They will provide resources where those concerns may be brought to appropriate healthcare providers.

  • Managing Stress and Sleep

    Well-Being Peers facilitate discussion with the group on how to recognize signs of excessive stress, ways to cope with that stress, and help outline healthy sleep habits. This presentation aims to provide a safe space for students to recognize and begin to brainstorm healthy stress management.

    Well-Being Peers are not trained medical professionals, and so will provide resources for specific mental and physical health concerns that they may be brought to appropriate healthcare providers.